8 Running Mistakes You Didn’t Know You could be Making

Whether you are a three-hour marathoner or fitness runner, you are exposed to the risk of injuries given various factors.According to research, 60% of runners face injuries severe enough to make them unable to perform daily activities. These injuries may occur because of lack of concentration of the runner or due to someone else negligence such as falling victim to a DUI, wearing wrong shoes, or running too fast.
Whatever injury you face, you may be committing a few running mistakes without realizing the consequences:
- Running Too Fast, Too Soon:
Be it trying to increase the mileage or running too much too soon, this is one of the biggest running mistakes runners, especially marathoners, make.According to a running coach Dr. Jason Karp, ‘marathon training groups try to meet their marathon goals too quickly.’
The best way to avoid injuries while increasing stamina is to increase mileage by 10% every week. This way it becomes easy for the runners to build their efficiency slowly but more effectively.
- Failing to Warm Up the Body from Different Angles:
When your body is in a relaxed state and is not used to running, warming up is the best way to avoid injuries.Many runners make a mistake and simply stretched their bodies before they start running. However, it is essential to adopt dynamic movements and warm up your body. These moves include high knees, front and side lunges, butt kicks, and side shuffling.
And if you don’t have time to warm up, make sure your first round of running is the warming up phase.The main goal of a warm-up is to improve circulation of the blood in the entire body.
- Wearing Wrong Shoes:
Many runners buy shoes for running without considering the fact that they can become the cause of their injuries or pain. Especially if you have flat feet, it becomes more important to wear comfortable running shoes that give your feet enough support and space to move properly.
Even if you don’t have any defect in your feet, wrong shoes can definitely damage your ability to run. When you are going to buy running shoes for the first time, make sure that they are well fitted to your feet. Moreover, if you feel a difference in your tread, consider replacing your shoes.
Also, make sure you try your shoes at the shop before paying for them. Wear them and take a jog or walk and compare them with other shoes to get the right fit for your feet.
- Not Cross Training Your Body:
Runners are used to running and moving their bodies in one direction. However, it is very important to train the body movement in different directions to prevent the body from becoming weak and immobile when it comes to moving it in lateral directions. Immobility in the muscles leads to issues such as ankle stability, shin splints, or Achillestendinitis, etc.
It is highly recommended for the runners to indulge in other physical activities such as swimming, yoga, or strength training workouts. Barefooted or front lunges focus on improving the stability of the feet.
- Lack of a Balanced Diet:
Eating a balanced diet is not only beneficial for health but also helps in achieving running goals. Many runners wait too long to eat after running. When you finish strenuous running make sure you eat within 45 minutes or an hour because during this time span the muscles of your body are in a biochemical state when they can absorb more nutrients.In addition to it, make sure you are hydrated during running.
- Over Exerting:
While ding too much feels tempting but in fact, it is harmful to your body as well as your running. This is also one of the most common running mistakes runners make. They don’t follow the running plan or schedule in the beginning and then perform poorly. So consider the running plan you trainer gives you instead of over training your body.
- Not Incorporating Changes in Your Running Habits:
Although it is good to run on your favorite route to enjoy your activity, however, change makes it more fun. If your daily route is simply a park or road, consider running on a hill. Moreover, adding an interval in your running is also refreshing. As a runner, make sure you don’t get into the comfort zone of running that your body burns fewer calories. Adding interval training in your habits will break this comfort zone and forces your body to use energy at a higher level and help you improve your techniques.
- Making Your Upper Body Tensed:
When your shoulders and upper body is in stress, it wastes your energy while making you slow down.The right posture to run is to keep your upper body relaxed and keeping your elbows at 90 degrees.While you run, make sure your jaws, arms, and shoulders are relaxed and your elbows bent.
These are the very common mistakes that you can easily avoid and prevent your body from the injuries. The goal of your running helps you remain fit and healthy and definitely, it must not be the cause of any injury or discomfort.