Top Ten Most Spoken Languages in the World

Communication is the most important thing which is required to express your views and thoughts and for communication you require a medium. Language is one of the medium through which we can express our views. We have more than 6000 different languages in the world and out of which 2000 languages are spoken by less than 1000 people in this world. Out of all the languages we have some languages which are spoken by most of the people in the world. We present you a list of top ten most spoken languages in the world.
1. Mandarin: Mandarin is the most widely spoken language in this world because of the great Chinese population. We have more than 1 billion speakers of this language in this world. Speaking and learning Mandarin is not very easy as every single word in this language can be pronounced in four different ways or different tones which can really confuse you. E.g. if you have to say “Hello” in Mandarin, you need to say it like “Ni hao” (Nee HaOW). “Hao” is a pronounced differently as one syllable in Mandarin.
2. English: The English is on the second position after Mandarin. The speakers of this language are not on a very high number but yes it is the official language of more nations than any other language in this world. This is the native language of many nations. Some major English speaking countries are United Kingdom, United States, Canada, Australia, South Africa, Hong Kong, New Zealand, Zimbabwe etc. To learn this language is not a difficult task but every country follows their own pronunciation and their own grammar. So sometimes it is difficult to speak the language when you go to some other country. We have more than 508 million speakers of this language all over the world.
3. Hindi: Hindi is the major language of all the Indians. India contains a large variety of languages but despite of that Hindi is the major language because of the huge Indian population. It is predicted that Hindi will surpass the Chinese language soon because of the increasing rate of population. Learning and speaking Hindi is easy, just follow any Bollywood movie as it contains different sections like dialogues, songs and much more. WE have almost 497 million speaker of Hindi language in the world.
4. Spanish: On the fourth spot of the most spoken languages in the world we have the Spanish language. This is the native language of Spain and also one of the major and mostly spoken languages in South America, Central America and Cuba. In United States people pay a great attention towards the Spanish language as many of the Spanish words are borrowed by the English like bonanza, enchilada, tornado and patio etc. We have an overall more than 392 million Spanish speakers round the world. If you want to say “Hello” in Spanish, you may say it like “Hola”.
5. Russian: Russian is on the fifth spot amongst the top ten most spoken languages in the world. Russian is also used as the primary language for communication Latvia, Lithuania, Ukraine, Moldova, Belarus, Kazakhstan and Estonia. We have some famous Russian speakers like Boris Yeltsin, Mikhail Gorbachev and Yakov Smirnoff. We have more than 277 million speakers of Russian language in this world. If you need to say “Hello” in Russia, you will say it like “Zdravstvuite”.
6. Arabic: The sixth spot is secured by the Arabica language amongst the top ten most spoken languages. Arabic is one of the oldest language and it is also the native language of so many countries. The major countries where Arabic is used are Middle East, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Iraq, Kuwait, Egypt, Syria and Syria. Arabic become the sixth official language of the United Nations in 1974 and it has more than 246 million speakers round the world. If you want to say “Hello” in Arabic it can be said like “Al salaam a’alaykum”.
7. Bengali: Bengali is a very famous language with more than 211 million speakers. Out of 211 million speakers more than 120 speakers is from Bangladesh only. Bengali is the primary language of Bangladesh and it is also the major spoken language in West Bengal, India. If you wanted to say “Hello” in Bengali, you may say it like “Ei Je”.
8. Portuguese: Portuguese is the eight most spoken languages in the world. After winning independence from Spain in the 12th century, Portugal expanded its language all over the world with the help of some very famous explorers like Vasco De Gama and Prince Henry the Navigator. Portuguese is the primary language in Portugal but there are also many people in different locations worldwide who are speaking very fine Portuguese like in India you will find many people in Goa and Daman and Diu. Portuguese is also used as an official language in Macau, China. Portuguese is also the national language of Brazil. We have more than 191 million speakers of this language in the world. To say “Hello” in Portuguese is like “Bom dia”.
9. Malay/Indonesian: Malay/Indonesian language is the primary language of Malaysia and Indonesia and the major number of speakers of this language is from these countries only. This is the ninth most widely spoken language in the world. We have more than 159 million speakers of this language worldwide. To say “Hello” in Malay/Indonesian all you need to say is “Selamat pagi”.
10. French: On the last position in our list of most spoken language in the world we have French. This is also called as the most romantic language in the world. To calculate the exact number of French speaking countries is quite difficult, apart from France the number of French speaking countries is increasing on a rapid pace including Canada, Cameroon, Haiti, Belgium and Rwanda. The total number of speakers of French round the globe is about 129 million. To say “Hello” in French all you need to say is “Bonjour”.