How to keep your teeth and gums healthy

Everyone wants a bright pearly smile and why not! The smile is the first thing we notice in someone. But even if your teeth are not crooked and your smile is bright, that does not mean you are immune to teeth and gum related diseases. The health of the teeth and gums does not only affect your smile but your general well being also.
Here are some tips to keep your teeth and gums healthy:
Brush your teeth twice daily: Ideally brushing should be done after every meal, if not then at least two times a day. The tooth brush should preferably have smaller head for better access to the back teeth. Soft bristles are gentle on your gums.
Don’t brush in rush: You should take at least 2-3mins to brush your teeth and use a proper brushing technique of brushing.
Use fluoridated toothpaste: Fluoride toothpaste forms invisible layer of protection over the tooth that decreases the chances of tooth decay. This protective layer hardens the enamel of the tooth and is more resistant to plaque buildup and attacks of sugar and acids on the tooth.
Flossing: The bristles of brush cannot remove plaque between the teeth and hence flossing is necessary. Flossing should be done slowly in sawing motion. It prevents plaque buildup, bad breath, tooth decay and heart disease. It is a small step but the benefits are huge.
Eat crunchy fruits and vegetables: Fruits and vegetables like apple, pear and carrots are crunchy and fibrous. They have toothbrush like texture that help in scrubbing away the plaque and stains from the tooth surface.
Drink acidic and aerated drinks in limited amounts: Acids present in fruits juices and soft drinks cause break down of enamel and lead to tooth decay.
Limit intake of sugar: Bacteria present in mouth change sugars into acids which cause tooth decay. Brushing after having sugary food helps in removing sugars from the tooth surface.
Change your toothbrush: Change your toothbrush after every 2-3 months.
Clean your tongue: Clean your tongue using tongue cleaner at least once daily to remove bacteria from the tongue surface.
Do not use your teeth as tools: Do not use your teeth for cracking hard cased nuts, opening bottles caps etc. This may lead to chipping of the enamel which increases the chance of further damage to the tooth.
Use mouthwash: Rinsing with mouthwash helps in eliminating bacteria responsible for tooth decay and gum problems.
Rinse your mouth with water after every meal
Sugar free Chewing gums after every meal cleans the teeth and increases saliva production which helps in decreasing tooth decay
Stop smoking: Smoking weakens the immune system of your body. Smoking not only increases the chance of gum disease but also hinders with the healing of gums once they have been damaged
Visit dentist regularly: Regular dental check up helps you in early diagnosis of tooth decay and regular cleaning of teeth removes plaque and tartar over the teeth that helps in keeping your gums healthy.
We at Roots and Crown microDENTISTry, offer all kind of treatments for your dental problems. We are determined to be the Best Dental Clinic in Mohali and Best Dental Clinic in Kharar. Our treatment protocol and sterilization is as per the international standards. So if you are looking for Dentist in Kharar your search ends on Roots and Crown. We assure you that once you visit our practice you will be highly satisfied with professionalism, hygiene and treatment.