Heaviest Person Ever in The World

Obesity can cause many serious health issues, increasing weight regularly brings many problems. We have some people in this world whose weight is beyond the normal limit. We present you a list of some heaviest persons ever in this world.
1. Jon Brower Minnoch: Jon Brower Minnoch is the fattest person in this world. He was born on 1941 in Bainbridge Island, WA. He was 6 ft 1 in tall with a weight of 1400 lbs in 1979. This was very bad time for his health, almost 13 people roll him over on bed. His weight kept on increasing year by year and he started facing so many health issues because of this. At the time of his death his weight was 800 lbs. He got married to Jeannette and has two kids also.
Peak weight: 1400 lbs, 635 Kg.
2. Khalid bin Mohsen Shaari: Khalid bin Mohsen Shaari is from Saudi Arabia and is another very heavy person in this world. He has taken some serious treatment in the King Fahd Medical City to reduce his weight. He is using special beds and trolleys to sleep and move. Until November 2013 he has lost 150 kg and is working very hard to reduce more weight. Shaari is aged in between 18 to 20 years only.
Peak weight: 1344 lbs, 610 Kg
3. Manuel Uribe: Manuel Uribe is another one of the world’s heaviest person, he was born on 11th June, 1965 in Monterrey, Nuevo León, Mexico. Manuel was suffering from morbid plumpness which was recorded as the highest ever in the history. He had reached to a maximum weight of 597 kg and he has also lost 181 kg with the help of his doctors and nutritionists. He is reducing his weight on a very fast pace, in February 2012 he was weighted as 200 kg.
Peak weight: 1316 lbs, 597 Kg.
4. Carol Yager: Carol Yager is one of the heaviest women recorded ever. She was born on 26th January 1960 and died on 18th July, 1994 because of kidney failure. When she died her weight was 544 kg, she faced so many problems because of her heavy weight. She holds a record in the Guinness book of world record. Before her death she lost some weight. To take her dead body out from her house, the front window of Yager’s house was removed by the firefighters.
Peak weight: 1201 lbs, 545 Kg.
5. Walter Hudson: Walter Hudson was born in the year 1944 in Brooklyn, New York, United States. Hudson holds the record of the largest waist in the world in the Guinness Book of World Records. His waist was measured as 119 inches in the year 1987, at this time he was on the peak of his weight which is 1,197 pounds. The average diet that was described by Hudson was 12 eggs, two boxes of sausages, 1 pound of bacon, four hamburgers, three ham steaks or two chickens, four baked potatoes and additional snacks also.
Peak weight: 1199 lbs, 544 Kg.
6. Rosalie Bradford: Rosalie Bradford was born on 27th August, 1943 and she died on 29th November, 2006. She holds a record of loosing maximum weight by a woman. She was married and had a son also, her weight kept on increasing on a rapid speed and results in making her so fat. She faced a blood infection which made her hospitalized and was advised to take best rest, because of this she reached to her peak weight i.e. 544 kg and she started facing several issues. After this she worked so hard and reduced 416 kg weight.
Peak weight: 1199 lbs, 544 Kg
7. Michael Hebranko: Michael Hebranko is one of the heaviest people in this world. He was born on 14th May, 1953 and died on 25th July, 2013. He suffers a serious problem of obesity and reached to the peak weight of 1102 lbs (500 kg). Before his death he worked so hard and had a great downfall in his weight with the help of dieting and workout, his weight reduces from 411 kg to only 90 kg and the waist size from 110 inches to 36 inches. His name got registered in Guinness Book of World Records in 1990 for the highest recorded weight loss.
Peak weight: 1102 lbs, 500 Kg
8. Patrick Deuel: Parick D. Deuel is another one of the heaviest people in this world. He was born on 28th march 1962 and currently residing in United States. Patric was a former Manager in a hotel. His peak weight had reached to 500 kg. He faced some serious health issues because of his extreme weight, he was not able to take out from the door and his bedroom was cut down to take him out. He lost about 260 kg weight and now days his weight is about 170 kg.
Peak weight: 1102 lbs, 500 Kg