How to Control Anger: Some Easy Ways to Deal With Anger

It is well said that, If you are patient in one moment of anger, you escaped a hundred days of repentance.
Anger can cause you big problems. A problem that is small in its beginning may worsen if we deal with it in anger. Not only will this make it worse, but also our relationships with people will deteriorate. Therefore, dealing with a situation with anger will not make any good. That is why it is essential to control our anger. Controlling anger will be able to resolve situations more calmly. We can then exercise our wisdom and judgment the relevant problem to achieve the best solution. As if you are a person who gets angry very soon some several times, and you are trying to work this way to overcome your anger, has some tips that you may find useful when dealing with anger. Here are some of the tips which you can follow to control your anger:
1. Take a deep breath: Deep breathing is an easy way to calm the nerves. It will be easier to follow the other tips with a bit more controlled anger.
2. Drink a glass of water: Drinking a glass of water is very useful in anger, It is an easy way to calm the nerves.
3. Take a bath: I know that is not possible in a large number of situations, but if you can take the effects are immediate.
4. Do not talk while you’re nervous: If you do it will be hard on others and this is something you regretted. There is a good sentence about it said by Thomas Jefferson: “When angry, count to ten before you speak, if very angry, count to one hundred.”
5. Listen to what people have to say: Continuing the previous tip, besides not talk while we’re nervous, we too must learn to listen. Pay attention and try to understand the point of the other person.
6. Have a Walk: Change your situation is a good way to overcome anger. One way to do this is to take a walk outside.
7. Meditate: Meditation is an effective way to calm the nerves. Can help you regain your inner peace.
8. Listen to calm music: One should like instrumental music, as they seem to have a better calming effect, but you can listen to music that work for you.
9. Have realistic expectations: Sometimes we get nervous simply because we have unrealistic expectations about others. Be sure to have more realistic expectations. You can not expect other people to be like you.
10: Note that nobody is perfect: Everyone can make mistakes, including you. Realize it will be easier for you to understand when someone make a mistake.
11. See the point of view of another person also: One way to do this is to ask yourself: “How would I feel if I were in his position”
12. Talk to a wise friend: Sometimes you just have to talk about what happened to a wiser friend. This friend can help you see the problem in the right perspective. Just be careful to choose the right person.
13. Look at the bright side: This is a habit you should develop. The habit of seeing the positive side will help you see many situations constructively.
14. Do exercises: You can control anger directing your energy in a different direction that is not available for rabies. A good candidate is to exercise. Running works great for someone, at the same swimming would work far great to someone.
15. Learn to forgive: If you forgive you will have no more reasons to have anger towards the person or situation. You can then think of positive ways to solve the problem.
16. Think long term: Normally we get nervous because we think in very short term and ignore its implications in a more distant future. Seeing more forward will be able to see the consequences of our anger. Here, one more sentence: “When anger arises, think of the consequences.”