How to Increase Height: Some Easy Tips

A good height enhances your personality and makes you feel more comfortable when you are standing with others. Height is believed to be a genetic factor but you can increase your height just by following some simple factors. Below are few tips to increase your height.
Proper Sleep
Proper sleep plays a major part in getting a good height. A good sleep helps the body to produce and redevelop the tissues. As per the facts, it is believed that the HGH (Human Growth Hormone) is produced in the body when you take a good sleep, this is a natural process. During the teenage one should at least have a proper sleep of 7-10 hours in the night. This helps the body to regenerate tissues which helps to get a good height. A good and a sound sleep can also be taken by some key factors like taking a warm water bath before going to bed. It helps in getting a good sleep.
Regular Exercise and Sports
Physical activities play a very vital role in achieving a good height. If you are physically fit and active it will definitely help you in gaining a good height. Playing sports that involves physical activities are very good for the height. Sports like Basketball, Tennis, Aerobics, Swimming, Cricket, football and many other games are the best options that can help you in a good height.
Swimming is one of the best options in sports to increase your height. If you start this sport from an early age and do swimming for 2 hours a day it will surely help you in increasing your height. The breast stroke in swimming is the best way to increase height.
Stretching also helps in increasing the height. We have many types of stretching exercises which helps you in getting a good height. Some of them are super stretch, bow down, basic leg stretches, car stretch, twists and cobra stretch. Doing these stretching exercises daily just for 15 minutes can give you a very good result in a good height.
One of the best exercises is the hanging exercise. If you can hold your body in a hanging position and stretch it for just ten seconds and repeat this for at least 2 minutes a day, it will surely bring out the best for you.
Doing Yoga is very relaxing and helps to release out all your stress. Yoga brings a combination of fitness exercises together which helps in increasing your height. Some yoga poses helps your body in growing the hormones. We have many yoga poses like tree pose (Vriksasana), mountain pose (tadasana), cobra pose (bhujangaasana) and triangle pose (trikonasana).
Maintaining the Correct Posture
Maintaining a correct posture since childhood is very important for getting a good height. If you are not maintaining a correct posture, it will not only affect your height but also on your health. One should always follow some simple steps to maintain a correct posture like always sit straight on the chair, always keep your chin high and your shoulders should be in a straight position, your hips should be over your feet when you are standing or walking. These all factors can result you in a good height.
You should always keep your back still and straight, it will not only help you in getting a good height but also a strong spine.
Balanced Diet
A balanced diet is as important as any other thing. One should always have a good diet, as this plays a major role in having a good height. A healthy diet is very important to keep your body fit, it gives you the nutrients that are required to for a good health.
You should always avoid junk food as it causes many health related issues, avoid foods with extra fat and calories, food with excess sugar should also be avoided as it causes a negative impact on your height. Body should always get the complete nutrients so that it can work in a proper manner.
Vitamin D is very important for your height, so always eat food that contains a good quantity of Vitamin D in it. Similarly, proteins are also important, food like cheese, meat, egg, tofu etc is very important for your body. Apart from these a healthy and a regular diet is very important for gaining height. You should always have your meal in regular intervals, it will improve your metabolism. You can have six balanced meals in a day which is divided in equal span of time, this will increase your metabolism rate.
Avoid Drugs and Alcohol
For increasing your height you should always ignore the usage of drugs and other harmful things. If you are consuming drugs and alcohol in your early ages this can be extremely harmful for your health and your height. Caffeine should be strictly avoided specially from the children as it doesn’t allow a sound sleep and can disturb the cycle of your body. Apart from drugs and alcohol, steroids should also be avoided from the children as it affects on the height. You should always follow the healthy diet which will help you I gaining the height.
Strong Immune System
If your body does not have a strong immunity system it can also affect your height. A good immunity system helps your body to fight with the antibodies and helps you to feel good and makes you strong. If your immune system is not working fine you will be easily attacked by the anti bodies which can make you ill. A good diet and exercise can increase the level of your immunity.