How to Lose Belly Fat Without Drugs

You may want to lose a few kilos of belly fat fast for a special occasion like a wedding or class reunion. If you’re trying to lose belly fat if you take care of few things, there are some things you can do to achieve your goal naturally without the use of drugs. Following are some points you can keep in view to reduce your belly fat:
1. Reduce the amount of carbohydrates in your diet: Carbohydrates swell your body, especially rich in starchy carbohydrates like pasta and potatoes. Carbohydrates also flood your body with insulin after they are consumed, which interferes with your body’s ability to burn fat. Instead of carbs, eat lean meats such as chicken, fish and lean beef. Add green vegetables such as broccoli, spinach or a small salad. For breakfast instead of a bagel or cereal , enjoy a two egg omelet with fresh vegetables and some fresh fruit for nutrients. A Study of the University of Tennessee found that people who included yogurt in their diets to lose weight, lost 81% more belly fat, that those not included yogurt in their diets to lose weight, because, Calcium present in yogurt and other dairy products, helps your body to burn more fat, calcium and this also limits the amount of fat your new body can produce.
2. Avoid alcohol: Your body stores as fat alcohol. This also stops fat metabolism until it can be removed from the body by the liver. Because your liver is instrumental in the process of fat burning, can not process it while busy cleaning alcohol from your body. Also, any food you eat, while you consume alcohol will be stored as fat until the liver can eliminate alcohol and regain responsibility for burning fat.
3. Perform interval training: This is a training method where you do an aerobic exercise like jogging you, but you add a twist. For example, after stretching and warming up, you start jogging about 50 percent effort for 30 seconds. Once the 30 seconds have passed, you run as fast as you can for 30 seconds. After being run for 30 seconds, go back to your jogging pace for another 30 seconds. Repeat this process until you’ve jogged and ran five times. After the fifth session running, jog for another 30 seconds, then walk five minutes to allow your muscles to cool properly. Interval training differs from regular exercise because it will increase your metabolism and keep it elevated for several hours, which burns more fat throughout the day. Try to do your daily morning interval training to burn fat all day .
4. Manage your stress levels and get enough sleep every night: Studies have shown that when stress levels rise, your body releases high levels of the hormone cortisol, which as a direct result, increases appetite and fat production in the belly area. Not getting enough sleep also reduces the production of insulin in your body, which means that your body loses its ability to burn calories. Avoid alcohol right before bedtime. Create new habits, such as walking and drinking less caffeine products. Constantly monitor the stress level will help your body stay in balance and burn belly fat fast.
5. Abdominal exercises: or even exercises for belly rolls, very little to help you eliminate belly fat, and indeed. If you do abdominal exercises while you still have belly fat, you will gain muscle just below the belly fat, which in turn will cause your belly look bigger. Only you will be able to see your six pack when you manage to remove most of the fat from your belly.
exercises alone will not help you lose or eliminate abdominal fat fast if you do not incorporate a healthy diet. Healthy fats such as those derived from fish, olive oil and sunflower oil should be implemented in your diet. Skimmed milk should be taken instead of regular milk. Fruits should be incorporated in our diet because they are good to burn those fats. Especially fruits and vegetables such as cucumber , apples, raw tomatoes are known as negative calorie foods . This is because the amount of calories expended in digesting them , exceed the amount of calories in them.
When and eliminate belly fat fast when one theme arises Diet, whole foods are suggested for the process of losing weight, trying to avoid as far as possible the consumption of fried foods and will be better if you choose foods that are cooked through a cooking process. Foods low in fat, low-calorie foods and organic foods we must take into account they are as an aid to eliminate abdominal fat fast. Oatmeal is suggested by experts as the best food for weight loss however, should be prepared without salt or sugar. If you do not like the taste, you can try adding fruit and a little honey instead of sugar. Dairy products like low fat milk and lactose-free products of milk can also help burn the belly fat.