How to Prevent Hair Loss

The problem for hair falling out in recent years intensified very clearly touching both men and women. Hair loss problem exacerbated in recent years more and more. It has to do with a lot of factors, among which undoubtedly should be noted increasing environmental pollution and irregular dietary habits.
Hair loss greatly affects our attractiveness. To avoid this problem can be very hard, for this reason a lot of people after some time stops caring about it, then condemned to depression and loneliness. Nightmare falling out of hair can happen to anyone. Every day, it behooves us to a hundred hair and it is a natural process. Technically speaking, we can talk about hair loss when hair loss exceeds the norm. Both women and men are exposed to the fact that in the future they will have to contend with alopecia.
The term expert for hair loss is “alopecia”, which is a disease whose symptom is the loss of hair. Some may wonder what if one should worry about – it’s just hair. Nothing could be further from the truth! Alopecia can lead to mental disorders resulting from a lack of self-acceptance. When we have a lush head of hair all the problems associated with it such as hair loss, thinning hair or hair transplants seem completely alien concepts, which will never be our concern. The truth is that hair loss sooner or later every person, so you should advance to put on prevention. We are presenting some tips to avoid hair loss.
What is the cause of hair loss?
The reasons of hair fall are many, generally can be divided into physiological, associated with the natural processes in the body and disease, requiring treatment to the physiological changes should be such as hair loss after childbirth. Then you can lose up to 50% of the hair. This is mainly because during pregnancy hormones inhibit hair loss, so head having the new hair and those that normally would long ago have fallen. After the birth, changing hormone levels and therefore falls a lot of hair. Often, the hair falls out after summer vacation. Following are some of the major reason for hair loss:
1. Hormones: The most common cause of hair loss are the hormones that control growth and hair loss. In men, baldness is responsible for 5- α – dihydrotestosterone ie. DHT , which is the result of conversion of testosterone. The tendency to baldness is inherited . For women, the situation is more complicated , and each hormonal disorder can lead to the start of hair loss, particularly estrogen deficiency. Common case is increased hair loss after childbirth. Another reason is the use of contraceptive pills.
2. Diseases and medicine: diseases that weaken the body, also affect hair loss. An example would be a severe flu or disorder of the thyroid gland. On the other hand, drugs may be the cause of hair loss, particularly in the case of chemotherapy. Even the antibiotic can lead to hair loss. Other drugs adversely affect our hair is: immunosuppressive drugs, anticoagulants, drugs with gold.
3. Diet: We should pay attention to a balanced diet , through which we will not be threatened iron deficiency. Lack of iron can also be caused by the anemia.
4. General weakness: If accompanied us greater amount of stress, and I have trouble sleeping, we observed increased hair loss.
5. Mycosis, psoriasis, seborrheic dermatitis: Fungal infections cause hair loss from small areas of the head. The progress of the infection enlarges the area of baldness. Hair is healthier and grows back again after the eradication of the infection. Large scabs associated with psoriasis can cause scarring is located underneath the hair follicle. Too much sebum can result in inflammatory foci, and purulent states responsible for hair loss. Sometimes the scars of such inflammations are devoid of follicles and remain bald forever.
6. Wounds, burns: This can damage the hair follicles preventing hair growth result into hair loss.
7. Excessive hair styling: the use of too many styling products also weakens the hair, leading to hair loss. It is not only about beauty, but also equipment (curling irons, straighteners, hair dryers) and accessories like brushes. Adverse effects should mitigate styling using hair care products.
Treatment of The Hair Loss:
While choosing hair loss treatment you should be quite careful. Hair loss cure is not that much easy as you need to find best hair fall solution. We have mentioned some of the best hair growth treatment and home remedies for hair growth which can be very useful for everyone. Either you are looking for hair loss treatment for men or female hair loss treatment:
1. Scalp Massage: Massaging the scalp in a circular motion when washing improves blood circulation, which is beneficial for nutrition bulbs. It is best if massaging the head by a simple scheme: first the front of the head, then the sides, tip, and then the skin over the neck, on every part take half a minute.
2. Adjust proper diet: When laying diet, pay special attention to products rich in minerals. It should enrich the diet with selenium (found in cornflakes), zinc (in seeds, sunflower seeds and pumpkin), magnesium (in buckwheat and cocoa) and iron (in the NATC parsley, liver and spinach). The diet can be supplemented with supplements purchased at a pharmacy. Diet has a huge impact on what condition is your hair. If you are particularly keen on that, in order to strengthen them make sure that your the menu included foods rich in minerals and vitamins such as magnesium (buckwheat groats), iron (liver, beets), selenium (corn flakes). If you believe in supplements, you can stock up on hair roots tonic preparations, such as the extract of horsetail, nettles, turnips, capsules with Vitamin H – biotin.
3. Mask With Egg Yolks And Kerosene: To prevent hair loss you can prepare a mask. For generations, popular mask is used for hair with a few drops of oil, egg yolks and oil. Such a mask is applied to the scalp and hair every hour for washing head. Remember, however, that for thin blonde hair mask with kerosene is too heavy, in open husk particles penetrate the hard mask and weight over the hair.
4. Care note for straightening: If possible, avoid too frequent dye or hair lightened and daily straightening straightener. Although these treatments do not contribute to hair loss, but weaken them, deprive the hair of moisture, and that have the effect of breaking them.
5. Ampoules from the pharmacy: In the pharmacy you can buy special hair tonic preparations, ready ampoules nutrients. The formulation at a concentration of 2 percent. available in pharmacies without a prescription, it seems stronger with a prescription. It is a solution of the drug once used to treat hypertension. Using preparations or ampoules strengthening remember not to rub them firmly into the scalp. They should be gently pat. Friction does not strengthen the hair, but it dries and crumbles.
6. Mesotherapy scalp: scalp mesotherapy treatment is used to treat androgenic alopecia areata. The treatment is also effective for hair weak and in need of a strong nutrition. Using injections into the scalp applied to mineral preparations, cocktails of vitamins, anti-inflammatory drugs. This treatment can improve the nutrition of hair, stop hair loss. For treatment brought the best results repeat it once a week for two months. Mesotherapy takes effect, but only when it is performed in a series of several treatments. The price of one treatment depends primarily on the type and quantity of waste ampoules.
Final Thoughts:
Hair fall is very common these days and almost everyone is suffering from this and at the same its treatment is also important. Before going through the treatment you need to know about each and every factors of hair fall. You can have a look at the above complete article if you are looking for hair loss cure 2020.