Pilonidal Cyst – Signs, Symptoms, And Easy Prevention

It is possible that you may have a history of pilonidal cyst infection in your family. The biggest reason for anybody to contract the pilonidal disease is being overweight and as a result not being able to maintain a certain level of activity and hygiene that prevents that cyst from forming in the first place.
If you have dense hair growth on your body, it makes you even more prone to having this problem someday in the future. This cyst usually starts when your hair strands grow back into your skin. This happens when you have a sitting job that requires you to stay in one place for extended periods of time. It results in sweat getting accumulated in certain regions which eventually causes stress and pressure on your hair strands. This forces the hair to grow inside your skin which results in this cyst. Do you think it can be prevented? It very well can. You just have to be a little careful about its signs and symptoms and also must be aware of a few tips that can be carried out to prevent it from forming in the first place.
- You will experience pain or tenderness in the region where the pilonidal cyst is forming or has already formed
- People also report pus formation and outgrowth that are difficult to manage at home
- The pus formation also results in more pain and a foul smell
- There is also redness and swelling in that area where the infection is
- It may also lead to bleeding in certain cases which is again a very messy situation
You should remember that you may have a cyst already but it could be asymptomatic. This is not problematic and therefore you do not need to worry about any pain or redness or tenderness. There isn’t any treatment required for such a cyst.
A lot of pilonidal cyst surgeons talk about some patients experiencing excessive tenderness and also fever or chills when this cyst causes them this comfort or when the accumulated puss starts to drain out. Even the pain can cause you to feel a little feverish which is very common in the case of this cyst.
If this is the case, you need to go for proper treatment because ignoring it can result in a chronic issue. It increases the probability of you developing squamous cell carcinoma which is a type of skin cancer.
Now Let’s Have A Look At A Few Things That You Can Do To Prevent The Formation Of Pilonidal Disease
1. Regular Exercise To Lose Weight
Weight loss should be on the top of your list because people who are overweight or obese are much more prone to developing a pilonidal cyst infection. Because they have larger skin folds and the amount of heat generated in and around their body is much more as compared to somebody who is a little leaner, their chances of developing a pilonidal cyst increase phenomenally. They experience a larger amount of pressure on their tailbone and other areas of their body that are easy targets of this cyst. So, the best and the most practical way to prevent this cyst from forming is to lose all the excess weight that you have put on during your previous holidays.
2. Maintain A Certain Level Of Activity
Lack of activity is going to be your biggest enemy, especially if you are trying to prevent the formation of a pilonidal cyst infection. If you continue to sit in one position whether it is because of your job or studies, you will become an easy target of this cyst. The initial foundation of the pilonidal sinus infection is a lack of activity in your body. This results in constant pressure in certain regions of your body which makes things worse for you.
3. Good Hygiene Is The Key
If we go into the details of the causes of cyst formation, we will find skin debris, dirt, oil, and bacteria at the bottom of it all. The surface of your skin is riddled with these problems and this is why good hygiene is an absolute necessity. The one area that is most affected by these elements is located right under your tailbone between your buttocks and this is why it becomes even more important for you to maintain the highest level of cleanliness possible in that area. By doing this, you reduce the possibility of contracting this cyst significantly.
4. Hair Removal Is Not Only For Aesthetics
Remember, hair removal is not only performed for aesthetics or to look cool among your friends. It reduces the chance of sweat, debris, dead skin cells, and other impurities from getting accumulated in the area which is most prone to developing this infection. You can opt for trimming, shaving, waxing, or removal using creams and lotions.
In the end, remember to put on loose clothing, especially when you are working constantly sitting in one position. Anything tight is only going to make you sweat and this is what we don’t want. Make sure to keep on shifting from one hip to the other in between. This reduces pressure on your skin which again helps in preventing the formation of this cyst.