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Things to Know While Going For Skydiving


Skydiving is one of the most impressive and adventurous sports in the world. With a beginning related to Greek mythology and the famous story of Icarus, parachuting has its first real records in 1300 with the Chinese and even with quotes from Leonardo da Vinci. Today, parachute jumping is a well-established and widely practiced activity in many regions of the world. But parachute jumping for many people is simply getting on a plane and jumping. When in fact it is reaching a height of approximately 4000 meters. Following are some of the points which one need to keep in mind while going for a parachuting

1. What if the parachute does not open: This is the biggest fear of parachute jumping, of course, but today the quality, proper maintenance and careful review of state-of-the-art equipment make it increasingly unfounded, so much so that the sport wins thousands of new fans each year. Over time the parachutes have evolved in such a way that today they are equipped with safety devices that activate the automatic opening device (DAA) of the reserve equipment in the event of a major parachute crash – or in case of pure forgetfulness, you get too ecstatic with the view. Today’s technology guarantees jumping safety.

2. How much does it cost to jump from parachute: There are several types of packages, with the price varying according to what you choose, from simple jump to video and photo record, to save a physical memory of that unforgettable moment. As the amount varies according to what you choose, the tip is to make a projection on the website of the Sky Company skydiving school .

3. Can chubby people jump: Double jump is the easiest way to accomplish the dream of skydiving, but it has its limitations. The minimum age for parachute jumping, for example, is 16 years according to the Brazilian Parachute Confederation. On the other hand, the weight limit for the double jump is 99 kg, above that the instructor should be consulted. Learn more here . It is also not advisable to skip flu or congested nasal passages and it is prohibited if you have been diving in the 24 hours before the jump.

4. In how many seconds does the parachute open: The sensation of free fall is described by the sportsmen as one of the most delicious: the body itself does not feel the fall, only the support of the wind. In the parachute jump the fall is fast, only 45 seconds, but still faster is the speed of opening the parachute, which in only 4 seconds is fully open and decelerating the fall at 20 km / h. From there to the ground is a gentle sway until the feet touch the ground.

5. If you get seek at the time of the jump: Like any other sport, parachute jumpers should not drink alcohol in the previous 24 hours, and any adverse physical condition should be evaluated by a doctor in advance, such as dizziness, heart problems, orthopedic or respiratory problems, labyrinth, fainting or seizures. However, if it still faints during the fall, the parachute has a safety device called Automatic Activation Device, programmed to open at a certain height and that works regardless of whether the parachutist is conscious or not.

6. Is it possible to jump without an instructor: To jump alone anywhere in the world without an instructor, you must first take the Accelerated Free Fall course, the most modern and safe method of skydiving instruction developed in the United States. You do not start jumping alone, but the feeling is incredible, since from the first day you already jump with the parachute in your own body, only accompanied side by side by two instructors. The course consists of 10 hours theoretical classes on skydiving techniques and eight jumps corresponding to eight levels, preceded by a 30-minute briefing and post-jump assessment. In total you do 4 minutes of jumping with the parachute open and leave graduated for the practice of the parachuting sport.

Its really important to have the above information before taking a safe Skydiving.


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