Top Ten Best Epic Movies of All The Time

Let us know the greatest epic films, ever attempted in the history of cinema. In this post we have distinct seasons movies produced by big names in film, having only one thing in common: all are great movies. Following are the top ten best epic movies:
1. Lawrence of Arabia: Honestly do not have much to talk about the greatest work ever in the history of film Directed by David Lean, Lawrence of Arabia is an unforgettable film, Grand Incredible one. With 222 min duration, the film is a work that values the quality history of photography, and the performances. Enlisting the great acting of Peter O’toole, the film tells the true story of captain TE lawrence. With a fairly realistic plot, the film manages to surprise even with the long term. Featured picture for the desert and for various scenes as the attack on the train and the invasion of a city. Lawrence of Arabias therefore is considered, the biggest epic in the history of cinema.
2. Lord of the Rings Trilogy: If greatness is a point commonly used to characterize an epic movie Lord of the Rings has plenty of what the genre needs. Masterfully directed by Peter Jackson and millionaire investment studio Warner, Lord of the Rings trilogy has managed to become one of the cinematic phenomena of the new century. Considered as one of the best literary adaptations ever made in film, the trilogy could recreate the plot developed in the book faithfully and unmatched quality. Emphasis on the development of the plot, and its characters, as well as the quality of the cast. Headed by Ian Mackllen, the film also features Elijah Wood, Liv Tyler, Hugo Weaving, Orlando Bloom, Christopher Lee and many others.
3. Ben Hur: Ben Hur, one of the greatest works ever made for the cinema, with almost 220 min duration, well distributed in one story that combines technical grandiosity, as few films have managed. Directed by William Wyler’s Ben Hur inaugurates the storyline of revenge, which until today is very much in the epics. Filled with unforgettable scenes like the famous fight between chariots Ben Hur is a movie ahead of its time. Climbing starring Charlton Heston, the film appealed all the criticism and academia, consecrated with 11 Oscars, including the best film, actor and supporting actor, director, effects special and photography. the result is an intense and astonishing work that despite the long term, still appeals to all who watch.
4. Braveheart: One of the most intense epic films ever made, Braveheart is without doubt one of the classics of the genre first work toward Mel Gibson, who also stars in the film. The film conquest, enchants and excites with a history of freedom and struggle. With great scenes, a really brilliant quality, the film features beautiful scenery and great battles. Stands out for the long plot, well developed over the duration of 177 minutes. The film has great photography and chilling soundtrack, composed by James Horner. If we talk about it’s success, the movie won five Oscars , including best director for the film, and photography.
5. Gladiator: Another movie from the list, directed by Ridley Scott, Gladiator is one of the best epic movies which has magnificently plot, great cast and especially beautiful scenes. Gladiator has everything an epic movie needs to have. Start with the battle scenes, especially the past at the Coliseum. Despite the battles are a big plus point in the film, the great performances are a special part. Crowe, who also won the Oscar for his role, Richard Harris, Joaquin Phoenix and Djimoun Hounson give a show piece, carrying the emotional part of the movie. Another point that draws attention, is the soundtrack of the film. Produced by the great Hans Zimmer, this film got a great success.
6. Spartacus: Directed by Stanley Kubrick, Spartacus could not be left off this list. Bringing the cast names like Kirk Douglas and Lawrence Oliver, the film is great and exciting, bringing the former slave story, which turns gladiator and fight to save all those who has the right to their private freedom. One of the first films that dared to oppose slavery, Spartacus is a life lesson, above all that thrilled crowds. Featured for great photography, at a time when the effects looks were scarce.
7. Crusade: Directed by Ridley Scott, Crusade is one of the best epic movie faithful to the original story with the grandeur that Scott always manages to command in his films. Crusade is a brilliant work that extols in fastidiousness. Exploring the fine city of Jerusalem, the film escapes the desert pattern shown in many movies and enters to darker colors, implicitly, they referred to the historical context of the time. Featuring stunning aerial plans, win battles in size and proportion, as only Scott can do. Emphasis on the struggle between the armies commanded by Salladino and Balian. Besides the fight scenes, the film shows very well fanaticism imposed by the Catholic Church in that period.
8. 300: One of the great epic film based on a comic written by Frank Miller, 300 brought to the inclusion of gender computer graphics. Completely filmed in the studio, which would be completely impractical two years ago, 300 has become a phenomenon around the world, with virtual sets an odd fact, revolutionized long with powerful images and beautiful scenes. British star Gerard Butler, the long dragged millions of fans worldwide, grossing over $ 450 million. Emphasis on the stunning scenery, built completely digitally, to the scenes of battles and actually stifling the insertion of slow motion, which differentiate the look of long all other films in the genre.
9. Troy: In the same year of King Arthur, another big epic movie took care of theaters around the world and it was Troy, Wolfgang Petersen production, with a really great cast, headed by Brad Pitt, Eric Bana, Orlando Bloom and Diane Kruger. Troy has an amazing quirk in photography and the great fight scenes. The film manages to delve deeper into the plot, giving emphasis to dialogue and development in the plot.
10 . King Arthur: Directed by Antoine Fuqua, produced the great Jerry Bruckheimer, King Arther has a terrific cast, headlined by Clive Owen, Keira Knithgley and Ray Winston, and it has a great battle scenes, which can not miss in an epic movie. highlights for the beautiful scenery and the great characterization, beyond the very competent soundtrack . Another interesting fact in this version of King Arthur, was the change in the history approac.