Top Ten Cuisines of the World

This world is full of tasty and spicy food, you might have tried many delightful and scrumptious dishes but we present you a list of world’s most famous cuisines.
1. Massaman Curry: Country- Thailand
This dish contains coconut milk, onion, potatoes, bay leaves, cinnamon, palm sugar, fish sauce, chili and tamarind sauce. Its main ingredient is meat. Being the world’s most famous dish, it is called the king of curries. In 2011 CNNGo ranked Massaman curry on first position in their article “World’s 50 most delicious foods.”
2. Rendang: Country- Indonesia
This delicious dish is ranked on second position. It is dark in colour, have a dry texture and usually it is served with ketupat. It is available in various variations which include Rendang daging, Rendang ayam, Rendang tahu and Rendang suir etc. This Indonesian dish is popular not only because of its good taste but also for its simple recipe.
3 Masala Dosa: Country- India
Masala Dosa is a mouth watering Indian dish. It is textures like a paper-thin pancake of sorts made from rice and lentils. This soft crispy dish is serves with sambhar and chutney. It is rich in carbohydrates and contains no sugar or saturated fats. It is rich in proteins and another good thing about this dish is that it is gluten free.
4. Peking Duck: Country- China
It is a very famous Chinese dish. The most special thing about this dish is the method of its preparation where the ducks are first slaughtered for 65 days and specially bred to be roasted in oven. This dish is prepared since the imperial era and is also known as the national dish of China.
5. Sushi: Country- Japan
Sushi is a Japanese dish which consists of cooked vinegared rice combined with ingredients like seafood, vegetables and tropical fruits. Sushi can be prepared with either rice or raw seafood. It tastes better when it is serves with shredded ginger or wasabi. The ingredients are naturally low in fat and high in protein.
6. Hamburger: Country- Germany
Hamburger is a German dish, it is a kind of sandwich which consists of one or more cooked patties of ground meat usually placed in sliced form in between. It tastes good when served with tomato, onion, cheese and lettuce. Nowadays Hamburgers are served on a large scale in fast food restaurants. It is also available in various variations like Turkey Burger and chicken burger etc.
7. Ice – Cream: Country- United States
Ice Cream is a frozen dessert which is world famous and liked by people of almost all age group. Its main ingredients are milk or cream and sugar. It is available in various flavors such as vanilla, chocolate, butter scotch and strawberry etc. Mostly it contains sugar, but some contain other sweeteners as well. Sometimes, artificial flavorings and colorings are also used along with natural ingredients.
8. Kebab: Country- Iran
Kebab is ranked eighth and famous worldwide. It is national dish of Iran. Kebab is basically a piece of meat or fish or vegetable either roasted or grilled on a skewer or spit. It tastes good when served with either steamed, saffroned Basmati or with Persian naan. It is usually served in main course. It is available in various variations like Kebab koobideh, Kebab barg and Juje-kebab. Jujhe kebab is a famous Persian dish.
9. French Toast: Country- Hong Kong
French toast is ranked on ninth position. Its ingredients include bread and eggs where bread is soaked in beaten eggs and then fried. It tastes better when it is fried with a pinch of salt and served with a sauce such as ketchup or mayonnaise. It is considered as Hong Kong’s best food which can be best enjoyed with cholesterol checks.
10. Neapolitan Pizza: Country- Italy
Neapolitan Pizza is ranked at tenth position. It is famous worldwide and liked by people of all age groups. It is made with tomatoes and Mozzarella cheese. Its other ingredients include wheat flour, olive oil, salt and natural yeast. It is available in various variations such as New Haven-style pizza, Pizza al taglio and tomato pie.