Top Ten Foods Which will Keep Your Skin Charming

You might be already tired of spending loads of money on expensive creams which do not have any result on your skin. Then it’s time to leave aside these products. The solution may come from the inside out. While some foods are often harmful to your skin, others can improve it a lot. Check out a list of top ten foods you should eat every day to have a perfect and charming skin.

1. Red Pepper: The red chili is a tasty vegetable that can be eaten cooked or even raw. One unit contains more than 100 % of our daily requirement of vitamin C and significant amounts of fiber and vitamin B6. In addition, it is rich in carotenoids, which help in preventing wrinkles and improving blood circulation, providing a more youthful appearance and helps in fighting acne. Slices of red bell pepper lightly toast in the pan is a great choice as an aperitif. One unit only has about 30 calories, is healthy, tasty, and it provides satiety for longer and also contributes to give you a flawless skin.

2. Bitter Chocolate: Salmon is an excellent food for stress, anxiety and depression, and contain more than our daily requirement of vitamin D, which is responsible for keeping the heart, bones and brain healthy. Salmon is also rich in omega 3, which is excellent in combating inflammation, wrinkles and acne, and it helps to moisturize the skin from the inside out. Eating salmon regularly contributes to the health of your hair.

3. Amla: Amla is alos good diet for glowing skin. It is really full of A, which is essential in collagen production, which helps you to keep your skin looking young and elastic. If someone eats Amla an empty stomach it help to slow down the degradation of collagen. So if you want a charming and glowing skin, start eating Amla on a regular basis.

4. Coconut Oil: Coconut oil is a fat considered healthy. It is less caloric than other sources of saturated fat, and contain an acid that acts as a powerful antibacterial and antiviral, can keep us away from viruses, infections, inflammation and acne. In addition, coconut oil also has vitamin E, which is perfect for keeping the skin hydrated, soft, wrinkle free skin.

5. Green Tea: Almost everybody is aware about the benefits of green tea. It is a great source of antioxidants and amino acids that helps to reduce stress, and also has anti cancer and anti inflammatory action. In addition, green tea can also reduce the risk of hypertension. For best results drink three or more cups of tea per day.


6. Spinach: Spinach is a healthy and extremely nutrient rich food. Even if you hate spinach, worthwhile endeavor because it is an excellent source of iron, folic acid, chlorophyll, vitamin E, magnesium, vitamin A, fiber, vegetable protein and vitamin C. Along with other nutrients, vitamins C, E and A are great for our skin. Include it in your daily meals and see the result. Eating spinach means you are performing a skin cleanser from the inside out.

7. seeds: Chia seeds, sunflower and pumpkin are perfect for our body. The pumpkin and sunflower seeds are rich in selenium, vitamin E, magnesium and protein. Selenium and protein contribute to keep the wrinkles away, Vitamin E keeps skin hydrated magnesium and decreases stress levels. Start adding seeds to salads and sandwiches and you will get a charming and healthy skin easily.

8. Celery: Another food you should eat each day to have a perfect skin is celery. We often underestimate this plant, but the celery contains vitamin K, which helps maintain a healthy blood circulation and helps lower blood pressure and reduce stress levels. As we know , stress is one of the villains responsible for the poor appearance of the skin, headaches and even cancer. Celery also contains sodium, potassium and water to help prevent dehydration. This is important , since a dehydrated skin means dryness, flaking and wrinkles.

9. Papaya: Papaya is a fruit rich in nutritional benefits. It has few calories, helps digestion and has zero cholesterol. So if you want to lose weight, eat papaya every day and maximize the benefits of this fruit for health. Among the antioxidant nutrients found in papaya are vitamins C, E and beta carotene, which is really great against inflammation and acne.

10. Carrot: Carrots are not only beneficial for the eyes, but also to the skin. It is rich in vitamin A, which help control the overproduction of cells in the inner layer of skin, where it forms the sebum that clogs pores and triggers the appearance of pimples. Another good reason to eat carrots is that vitamin A also reduces the risk of developing skin cancer. So try to include carrots in your meals and ensure a perfect skin.

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