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Top Ten Tips for a Healthy Heart

Top Ten Tips for a Healthy Heart

A healthy heart gives you a long life and a good health, to keep your heart healthy and reduce the risk of heart problems you should always take some precautions. We present you top ten tips to keep your heart healthy.

1. Quit Smoking

Smoking affects your body the most and also increases the chance of Heart attack.  A smoker cut shorts his/her life and invites many serious heart problems. It directly affects your lungs which can lead to many heart problems. Quitting smoking will certainly increase your life.

2. Lower down salt level

If you are consuming too much of salt it will increase your blood pressure and increases the risk of developing coronary heart diseases. Avoid foods that contain a high level of salt like salted nuts, crisps, pork pies, baked beans and canned vegetables.

3. Watch your diet

Try to always take a healthy and a nutritious diet which helps you in maintaining the balance of your body. A healthy diet reduces the risk of developing heart diseases and also if you had a heart attack it will help you in recovering from it soon. Try to include fresh fruits and vegetables in your diet, it will help you in getting a balanced diet.

4. Avoid Alcohol

The one who drinks too much alcohol will surely face heart problems. Excess of alcohol can damage your heart muscles, pump up your blood pressure and increases your weight. One should always consume less amount of alcohol to keep the heart healthy and work properly.

5. Weight loss

If you have a heavy body, you will get into contact with many severe diseases easily. Your overweight will make you lazy and is an invitation for many health related problems. Obesity can cause you diabetes and coronary heart diseases. Try to keep your body fit and in shape by doing workout and regular exercise.


6. Controlled Blood Pressure and Cholesterol level

To maintain a proportionate blood pressure and cholesterol level is very important in a human body. If you have a high blood pressure you will always in a risk of having a heart stroke or heart attack. High cholesterol level in your blood can create fatty deposits in the coronary arteries which also lead to severe heart problems. You should always check your blood pressure and cholesterol on a regular interval. High fiber foods like beans, lentils, porridge and pulses help you in lowering down your cholesterol level.

7. Don’t take much stress

Don’t take too much of stress, if the things are getting out of control try to manage and settle it down without taking stress. Taking too much of stress may increase the risk of heart attack. People drink alcohol and smoke to reduce the stress but this is not the right way to do so. There are many options to reduce stress like meditation which is a very important stress buster.

8. Hereditary problem

Heart problems can also be hereditary, if the grandparents and parents are having the heart problem then the chances of same is very high in the child. High blood pressure, obesity, diabetes, high cholesterol and lack of physical activities are the major reason for heart problems.

9. Symptoms of
coronary heart disease

Angina is the starting symbol of heart attack, if you are feeling some stiffness in your chest, stomach, arm or neck which generally comes when you do some work and goes away after rest, it could be angina. Go and get yourself check or treated immediately as this can later turn out into heart attack also.

10. Get Active

Always keep your body active and fit, involve yourself in some physical activities so that your body and heart remains fit. You should try of doing 30 minutes exercise daily which will help in pumping the blood efficiently throughout the body and will reduce the risk of heart attack. If you cannot spare out 30 minutes from your daily routine or you are not able of doing the exercise for this much time, start doing it with the lesser time and then you may increase it later.


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