Top Ten Tips for Glowing Skin

Top Ten Tips for Glowing Skin
Having a healthy and glowing skin is what everyone wants. It’s not very difficult to have a glowing skin, for this you just have to follow some simple steps and your skin will look more glowing. Below are some tips for getting glowing skin.
1. Cleanse
A clean skin is very important to get a glowing skin. You should always clean up your face properly in order to get rid of oil, dirt and sweat. This will help in preventing your skin from the clogged pores and removes the dull appearance. You may use skin cleanser for cleansing you skin or skin toner with a cotton pad etc. There are various creams available in the market for cleansing. You should always wash your face gentle with a face wash just after getting involved in any activity like gardening, cleaning your house etc.
2. Exfoliate
Your skin may get dull because of heavy makeup and sunscreen creams. You can do Exfoliation for regaining the allure of your skin with the help of using creams that contain fruit acids. This will certainly help you in getting back the glow of your skin. Do not use very firm scrubs and don’t scrub your skin too hard as it can harm your skin. Never overexert any gel or cream on your face as they might contain harmful chemicals.
3. Refresh
You should wash your face at least twice a day, in case you cannot wash your skin then you can apply some astringent with the help of a cotton pad to refresh your skin. You can also create your own mixture by adding one part of alcohol to six part of water with some essential oil in a spray bottle and apply on your skin gently to refresh the glow of your skin.
4. Moisturize
Maintaining the level of moisturizer on your skin is very important in getting a healthy and glowing skin. You can select any good moisturizer that can balance the level of oil in your skin and gives you a glowing skin. Every person has a different skin type like oily skin, dry skin and combination skin (skin that’s oily in some parts and drier in others). You can use moisturizer according to your skin type, always apply it after cleaning the face properly.
5. Protection
You should always protect your skin from the harmful sun rays. Few people have very sensitive skin that gets burn whenever they expose to the direct sunlight. To get a healthier and a glowing skin you should always apply some sunscreen creams before the direct contact of your skin to sun. For pregnant women’s this is more important as their skin gets more sensitive during the pregnancy period.
6. Soothe
If you have already scalded your exposure to the sun, you can get back your healthy and glowing skin by soothing it with aloe vera and cocoa butter cream. This will help you in soothing your skin naturally and also moisturize the skin. You may use aloe vera creams which are available in the market or can also use the gel of aloe vera plant that is present in the leaves.
7. Water
To get a clean and a glowing skin you must maintain the water level in the body. Drink as much water as you can to hydrate your body. You can also eat fruits that have a good level of water present in it like watermelon, grapes and lettuce. These all will help your skin in glowing and make it clear by removing scars. If you start drinking 4-5 liters of water every day you can feel the change in your skin in just 7-10 days.
8. Sleep Well
Make sure that you are taking a proper sleep of about 8 hours every day. None of the above method will work if you’ll not take a proper sleep, improper sleep can result in dark circles and a very dull skin. You should always take a proper sleep so that the cycle of the body works properly. It is well said that a healthy sleep is very important for a healthy life.
9. Home Made Face Packs
Many home remedies are also available in the form of face packs for a healthy and glowing skin. Depending on the type of the skin face packs can be choose. For an oily skin clay pack is considered suitable. Pack of a tsp of gram flour, a pinch of turmeric powder with little lime juice and olive oil is pack which can be applied to every type of skin.
10. Nourish and Pamper
Nourishment and pampering to the skin can bring magical effects for the skin. You can nourish your skin well with a relaxing face mask. Other than nourishing, pamper your skin once a week. Giving yourself spa treatment, cleansing of the face, then steaming it and applying toner and moisturizer is the best way you can make yourself look fresh and feel relaxed.